Archive for October, 2012


If I had a hammer……….

If I had a hammer….
I’d hammer in the morning…as Peter, Paul and Mary sang (Peter, Paul and Mary reminds me of a forced bi and tranny session I did, but that’s another blog!)

In the continuing epic saga of the needle abuse of Slave Joe, I have excelled myself!!!

Having warmed him up with a good spanking over my knee with my wonderful rough rubber gloves, battle commenced!!

Whilst it’s not perfect yet (why doesn’t anyone cut curves in wood these days; any carpenter slaves out there?) I got a rudimentary butterfly board rigged up.

I tied Joe down securely, and put a leather hood on him, then aided by my other latest toy, a poppers rebreathing machine, I got him to puff the stuff constantly (Puff the Magic Dragon almost, there’s a theme here!)

When Joe was nice and high, I put some sever nipples clamps on him (well as best I could, given that one of his nipples has disappeared after I put some severe rubber rings on him; silly tart left one on too long, we think it’s inverted though it may have fallen off completely, at least he’s got a permanent reminder always of his wonderful mistress, saves branding or a tattoo!!)

I then tied the board in a suitable position so I could manoeuvre his cock and balls onto it appropriately. His cock and balls at there comfortably, his pumpkin stomach was ideal for the board to rest on, rather than just get in the way as usual!

Starting at the bottom right hand side, I pulled out the flesh of the cock, and hammered in the first needle, then did the same on the other side; he shaves well Joe, so no risk of any hairs interfering.

The next one went in the tip, so it was nicely stretched out. I quickly got a further three on each side, and then I got Mistress Sheba do a video clip of me in action, whilst I hammered in the rest.

Even though he used to needles, the act of hammering them in adds a new edge, and each insertion lead to a lovely little squeal of pain. I was in heaven.

Having admired my handiwork, and stroked the needles a few times to illicit a response, I then slowly removed all eleven needles, with a “Thank you Mistress”, on pain of a slap on the cock if not.

I then strapped Joe’s legs up, gassed him, and fucked his arse; I don’t know if it was the heightened sensation from being nailed, or because I’d been on hols and he’d been saving it, but he was full of prostate come when he reached orgasm.

He was squirming so much, I thought he was going to take off, almost as if he was leaving on a jet plane……..

Enough, enough…..

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London visit

Hello London, the time has come for my next visit, it will be the 22 of october till the 24th of October,see you then.